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FAQs on Aqiqah: Frequently asked questions
What is Aqiqah
Aqiqah, in Islamic terminology, is defined as the animal that is slaughtered on the occasion of child birth. The performance of Aqiqah is highly encouraged. It is to be performed by the parents or the guardians of the child. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions used to perform Aqiqah when they were bestowed with a newborn. Some scholars given the Fatwa that Aqiqah is valid till the day of ones death. If someone after becoming an adult performs his own Aqiqah, according to some scholars it's permissible as it is also understood from Fadhul Bari
When Should Aqiqa be Performed
Essentially, it can be offered at any point after a child's birth.
What is the main purpose of Aqiqa
There are many benefits in the performance of Aqiqah. One is the announcing the birth of the baby. Being bestowed a child is a great blessing from the Creator. Another purpose is inviting family members, neighbours, and friends to celebrate the blessed occasion. The poor should be included in the celebration by offering them food and meat served on this occasion.
The condition of the animal for Aqiqah
The condition of the animals in Aqiqah is the same as the conditions of quality for the animals in Qurbani. The animals to be slaughtered must be a goats or a sheep
Why can't i choose which animal to sacrifice?
The type of animal availability and local customs play a role in the type of animal that is actually wanted by the beneficiary. Using a system of units, Islam Freedom Aqiqah team is able to ensure that the meat received by the beneficiary is of the highest quality and is culturally acceptable
How is Aqiqah calculated?
1 Sheep or goat for a girl
2 Sheep or goat for a boy
Are all the costs included in the price?
Yes, all the various expenses such as the cost of the animal, slaughter, transportation and distribution are included in the price
How can i preform Aqiqah with Islam Freedom Services?
Order your Aqiqah for your boy or a girl today!

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At Islam Freedom Services, our values of being transparent, personable and professional with many years of experience providing Badal Hajj and Umrah, Aqiqah, Qurbani and much more.

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An official partner of the Know Before You Go campaign by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
